Proprietors of cannabis dispensaries are quite familiar with the standard security measures that must be implemented, not only to protect their assets, but to satisfy the strict regulatory requirements for licensing and permits.
These cannabis facility measures for security typically include
- Sufficient building access control.
- A video surveillance system.
- Adequate monitoring and storage of video surveillance recordings.
- Security personnel during hours of operation, and, in some states, 24/7.
- A functional alarm system.
- Secure storage systems.
For many cannabis shop owners, these security measures are all typical of what they would implement even in the absence of mandates from licensing authorities.
However, while these premises have these measures in place, the efficacy of their security systems is often in question. What is often needed then, are additional elements, or steps, for improving their existing cannabis security.
Be Selective When Hiring
A well-known past president famously once said, “Trust, but verify.” Political leanings aside, this is good counsel when it comes to hiring staff for cannabis dispensaries.
Internal theft can be just as likely, if not more so, than external threats. The employees working with your product each day usually have ready access and are trusted. However, being in an environment surrounded by much sought-after products and often large sums of cash, it can be tempting for employees to violate that trust.
One of the challenges facing cannabis facility employers is the state of the hiring market. Through the latter half of 2020 and throughout 2021, hundreds of thousands of positions remained vacant and businesses have scrambled to fill slots with workers.
And this often leads to employers being less strict about standards and foregoing tasks such as drug screening and background checks.
While this might be acceptable in a fast food outlet or a construction company, when it comes to cannabis facility staff, every growing facility or cannabis dispensary candidate needs to be thoroughly vetted and be subjected to a background check.
Maintain Security Training and Processes
Policies and procedures are nothing more than words on paper unless followed and enforced.
Not only must all operational processes be standardized, documented, and adhered to at all times, a facility’s security protocol must be followed just as closely. This means that all employees should be trained on how to follow and comply with everyday safety and security procedures.
You should also train your grow operations staff on how to detect and report suspicious behavior. One of the most common reasons for lapses in security and security breaches by outside elements is a lack of compliance internally. In other words, doors left open, locks not secured, and POS stations left unattended, can all lead to theft or burglary.
In addition, state and local regulations mandate a variety of security requirements. As one business support services company notes,
“Regulations typically stipulate strict measures for accessing, handling, and disposing of inventory. To comply, you need clear procedures for entering and working in areas of restricted access (e.g., via access card), disposing of waste (e.g., rendering waste “unusable and unrecognizable” and placing it in secured waste receptacles), and other processes.
But human nature often leads to shortcuts. Why take the time and effort to swipe your card or key in an access code every time when you can simply prop open a door?
Business owners not only need to develop, document and implement processes that meet regulatory standards—they also need systems in place to enforce those processes and deal with violations.”
The Best Step for Improved Security: A Live Remote Video Monitoring Solution
Cannabis dispensaries need something more than their current security systems that are ultimately ineffective at preventing burglaries and theft.
What is needed for improving your cannabis security using traditional video surveillance security systems is a high-tech, “smart” solution.
At Blue Eye, our unique and proprietary remote video monitoring solution uses both artificial intelligence (AI) and human interaction operating in real-time. It’s this combination that provides a safe and reliable security solution utilizing your existing security cameras.
With our unique AI software, your video cameras can detect potential threats to your business property. And our hi-tech system alerts our professionally trained Video Surveillance Technicians (VSTs) within seconds who then react in real-time to prevent potential crimes.
Our VSTs act as a human video surveillance staff that can utilize loudspeakers that are installed on your video camera system, allowing them to issue verbal warnings and intervene with threats.
In our Command Center, our team of VSTs utilizes our AI technology to protect your business and property. And it’s here that our VSTs receive alarms and employ real-time responses for a wide variety of businesses and properties.
It is this customized approach that provides each of our clients with the ability to adapt their security systems to meet the unique needs of their business and their facility.
A Simple Yet Effective Step for Improving Your Cannabis Security
Our live remote monitoring solution is a superior enhancement to reliance on an onsite security guard or a traditional security video system. That’s because typical video systems are simply passive recording devices, which leaves many facilities still relying on having onsite security personnel, as well.
However, an optimal solution is a security video system that gives you the best of both worlds without the disadvantages.
Blue Eye offers a video security solution that provides just that.
And we do so at a surprisingly affordable price. Our system uses an AI-empowered managed service platform that requires no up-front capital costs. And we use your own cameras so there are often no additional hardware costs required.
Call us today at 855.258.3662 or email us at [email protected]. Let us help you improve your cannabis security!